Monday, April 22, 2013

Mushed Post

By mushed, I mean a mess of stuff - a glop of a post perhaps. We shall see. Since nothing of earth shattering proportions occurred yesterday, I am just filling space, hoping that a direction will present itself. Or at least a few things worth a few sentences and seconds of all of our times.

David lent me a book called, Don't Sleep, There are Snakes - a book about a man's experiences in the Amazon learning about a people and their language. I can't say that the writing is scintillating - but the information is good, which makes up for the writing, at least so far.

Cooked breakfast for dinner once again for Sunday night. I actually broke down and bought some frozen waffles - but went for gluten free blueberry waffles. Why? Well, I might have a slight gluten intolerance - and I like to try new things. They weren't bad. 

I went to Microclimate last night. I brushed my hair (ouch) and put on a nice looking sweater. A friend mentioned that she would be there. (Same person, not a spy reporting on another person's whereabouts...) I wasn't sure of the etiquette. Since she mentioned the place, I thought it would be ok if I showed up, not strictly invited, but not explicitly disinvited. Being me, I asked and she said it was fine if I wanted to come. It was really quiet and we had a good chat, I think. We might, one day, hit tennis balls together. That would be fun - as long as she doesn't make me dive into the asphalt chasing down a shot...

Ok, went back to sleep and woke up after a bit of an intense dream. I was screaming at my nephews for ignoring mom. Sigh. I don't like screaming - even in my dreams. Maybe I will go back to sleep...


Jakob von Schoen said...

I hope you screamed loudly enough to cut through all that racket Ernst and Erich must have been making with their electric guitars!!!

Augustus said...

Hard to do! :)