Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Slow news days...

I think I am getting closer. Yesterday was spent almost entirely working on the application. And this morning, I think I took a great leap forward. I had posted a question on and I actually got an answer that worked! Yay! So, now I only have one more feature to set up and see if I can get that to work, before I get back to fixing bugs. Ewww, bugs.

Not a lot else happened yesterday. Went to Wegman's for a little light food shopping. Made another yummy dinner. And thought about things that I need to do. Like plant the Christmas tree. Yes, it is just about time to take the tree down. Poor thing probably won't survive. But the weather here has just been crappy for the past two weeks. Crappy as in cold - freezing a lot at night - so I didn't think it would have been nice to put the tree outside during that.

It is already Wednesday as I post this. The only thing of interest that occurred yesterday, was that mom took a little tumble. She went to look out her bedroom window, in turning around, she tripped over her rug and fell into her laundry basket. Nothing broken. Just freaked her out. It took a long time to get her up from the floor. I am thinking I need to take her to physical therapy to learn how to stand up from the ground. Nothing I tried worked. So I suggested she inch her way to the stair, and then get up from there, which she handled with ease. Yay!


naturegirl said...

I do hope your mom is okay ! Hopefully she did not hurt herself . Physical therapy may be a good idea .looks as if your application is coming along nice to read about your progress .

Augustus said...

She was more scared and frustrated than anything, B! Thank you! And yes, it is coming along. Still many miles to trudge, but some steps closer! :)