Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I am so excited!

And I just can't hide it...wait, I think I have done that all before. Hmm. Well, who cares! I put my app on my iPhone! And it doesn't crash. Well, it hasn't crashed yet. I think I still have a bunch of work to do on it, but what I have works for the most part. And it is pretty exciting to see it actually on my phone. It has inspired me to try to create the iPad version as well - since mom has an iPad. Yippee! Now, I need to fix up the code, get some beta testers and find someone to help me with the design aspect of the app. Right now it is clearly a developer-designed product. Functional, but not necessarily attractive or intuitive. Baby steps!

Yup, that's the big news. And mom's reunion is rapidly approaching. Which means that the trip West is also approaching. Eeek!

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