Monday, May 7, 2012

Holding Pattern

That is what I feel I am in, just now, a holding pattern. Circling slowly, waiting for an opportunity to either land or move off into some new direction. It is morning for me, and I am waiting until I get to go and meet up with the guy who said he was willing to chat, in person, with me about iPhone programming. Yippee! Meanwhile, I guess I ought to be doing something constructive. Hey, how about doing a blog post, Augustus! Great idea, Augustus, let's do one.

Yesterday was Sunday. Mom and I went to the movies. The default choice was Pirates: Band of Misfits. There really was nothing else that appealed to her. I am hoping the The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel comes near here. Mom is a huge Judi Densch fan (when she remembers her). Pirates was fun, not great. I don't know why it wasn't great. Anyone have any suggestions?

Breakfast for dinner turned out pretty well - despite my smelling like bacon.

And we watched the first episode of the Second Season of Sherlock! Goodness I enjoy that show. Sad there are so few episodes.

The Geneva Cinema has Avengers Fever!

What we saw

What we ate

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