Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mini Adventure with my Niece!

Yay for mini-adventures! True, my mom was more than unhappy about being dragged out of bed before noon - but life is that way sometimes! In the end, she was ok with the whole thing.

It all started with an innocent post from my niece on Tuesday saying that the show she is touring with was performing in Elmira, but that they were staying in Ithaca. Ithaca is only an hour away, so I suggested getting together. Little did I think that mom would balk at the idea. Where is the mom who climbed in and out of tombs in Egypt, lived in China for 8 years, taught a new class just about every semester she ever taught? Oh, right, she is in there, but is scared because of what is happening with her due to her disease. Well, poop. I am doing my best to adjust to that, but I know that adventurous-mom is in there still. For how much longer, I don't know, but until she is gone entirely, I will keep trying to help her find strength and courage and do things that stretch her and help her, if not to grow, to at least not shrink completely without a bit of a fight.

So, we went to Ithaca. My GPS sent me on a different route than I have ever gone before. And I must admit, it was good. True, it went through downtown Ovid (wow, now there is a thriving metropolis) but still, I think it cut a few miles and a few minutes off the trip. Got to Kristen's hotel - gotta be one of the ugliest hotels I have had the misfortune to see in a long, long time - at the appointed hour. From there, we headed to The Piggery.

After soliciting suggestions as to where to go for lunch - Moosewood Cafe and the Piggery were the only suggestions - well, Diamonds (never heard of it) got suggested but I only found that out after I got back to Geneva) -  I chose The Piggery. Not that I have anything against Moosewood. Just the couple of times I have been there were enough for me for now. The Piggery is new - on the outskirts of town, a drive-throughable deli that makes its own products and is very green and local. Yay! Kristen and I had pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, mom had the Beef BBQ sandwich. I must admit to being underwhelmed. I mean, the sandwiches were ok, just not great. I guess I like my bbq with more personality. Oh well. I did have an Ithaca Apricot beer. One of my favorites. Maybe not the best choice with my meal, but I was happy.

After The Piggery, we stopped at The Science Center. Seemed like an Exploratorium Lite. I don't think I could convince my mom to go, and my niece, being 27, probably wouldn't have wanted to go either. Maybe one day...

Next mission - get Kristen a bit of walking about time. She was born in Ithaca, but hasn't spent much adult time there - if any. As it is a cool city, I wanted to give her the opportunity to perambulate a bit around the commons at least. Mom kvetched the entire block and a half walk that I forced her to travel. I know, I am evil. Hahahahahaha! But she survived. Then I left Kristen to chat with mom while I did a quick run around. Then mom and I hung out while Kristen did a little exploring. She ended up with an "Ithaca is Gorges" t-shirt! Go Kristen!

By then, it was getting towards time for Kristen to bus to Elmira for her performance. So we dropped her at her hotel and headed home. On the way back to Geneva, I stopped at a brand new place - not even open - called 3 Herons Brewing. Chatted with the owner and his son(?) and will hopefully get back there later in the year to check on their progress (and taste beers if that is a possibility).

All in all, a nice little adventure. Kristen was hugged and got a break, mom got to kvetch and stretch and I got to have new experiences. Yay!

Oh. On a side note, it was one of those days - good and frustrating at the same time - way too many attractive women appeared in my vision. Sigh. Too bad Ithaca is so far away too. I mean if it were as close as Canandaigua...

Ugly hotel, right?

There it is!

Looked better than it was - and I could have used some fries! :)

Mom and Kristen

Inside the Piggery

Mom and Kristen chatting

I thought this would be a cooler picture - still, neat sculpture!


See, hugging!


summerhill said...

Glad you had a great day! You know where the best BBQ is, you just choose not to go there ... :)

Augustus said...

And where would that be, dear Summerhill? I am up for some travel come June!