Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Trip to Trumansburg

My Trip to Trumansburg by Augustus
My trip to Trumansburg was fun. I went to Trumansburg. My car is black. It goes fastly. Not too fastly though. On my trip to Trumansburg I saw trees and flowers and houses and farms. On my trip to Trumansburg I saw cows and cats and horses and a goat standing on a dog house. The End. (I needed 50 words.)

Seriously, I did see a goat standing on the roof of a dog house. If I hadn't been under time constraints, I might have stopped to take a picture. As it is, the ones I did take for the day will have to suffice. Sadly, as we all know, not everything picture worthy is always captured in a picture. Sometimes you just have to make due with the 1000 (or so) words.

I was under time constraints because I had a get together scheduled with a man named Bill, who was willing to actually meet and sit and talk about iOS programming. Yay! We met in Trumansburg because that was about halfway between our respective living places. The location was Gimme Coffee - a teeny, weeny coffee shop in town. I had never been before. Don't know if I will ever go again. I am going to suggest meeting in Ithaca next time as I like Ithaca better (and it has bars that are open at lunch time...)

Slight aside: although I like the atmosphere in most coffee shops, I don't frequent them. I am not a fan of most hot beverages. And it always feels like everyone is in their own little world at a coffee shop. As opposed to a bar, where it feels like everyone is a part of the same little shared bar world. Weird?

Got there and the place was full. Well, there was one table, so I staked it out. Good thing, too, as a couple came in soon after and were disappointed that there wasn't a seat. Very soon after that, Bill arrived. We hadn't met before, so we did the "Are you Bill? Are you Augustus?" thing. We chatted a bit before getting down to brass tacks. I had a whole list of questions and issues that I was having with my application. In the course of the next two hours, we went through the list, chatted about iOS programming and related issues and generally had a pleasant time. I got a couple of issues taken care of, things to try for other issues and all in all found the get together very helpful, fun and productive! Bill was kind enough to show me the application he is working on - a cool app for anybody who buys wine. He said we could get together anytime, and I plan on taking him up on that - but probably not until after the BIG TRIP in June.

Other than that, nothing too exciting to report. The app is in decent shape - still have some issues and tweaks, but I think the next step is plunking down the money to become an official paying developer so that I can put the thing on devices and see what breaks! Oh, I finished watching Season 2 of Stargate SG-1. Only 8 (eeek) more seasons to go.


There's the coffee shop


ncjeanie said...

So glad you met with the app guy! I hope that helps you move things along :)

Augustus said...

Me too - I don't want to bug him endlessly, though...