Monday, March 9, 2015

Mailchimp etc.

Overall, I like Mailchimp. It does have a few quirks that I hope get worked out soon - like centering images is a pain in the butt and doesn't work as one would think it would. Also, I am trying to "embed" a video in a mail message and only by diligent searching did I find a Facebook post that suggested removing "styles" from the embed tag - and voila - that seemed to have done the trick. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to center an embedded video. Sigh.

"I don't want to be a non-person and I am trying very hard not to be." That is what my mom told me this morning at 4 am as she was sitting in her bedroom. Break my heart, why don't you. Why does she have to do this at 4 in the morning though? Why can't she try and not be a non-person during normal business hours. :)

Had my first "Mom is dead" dream. Joy.

Our substitute aide came and worked for a while. Yay. I have been doing some Smith stuff - like building a Storyboard for an ad that I think the Smith ought to run. Setting up heating for the next week. Etc. Fun, fun, fun! Ooh, and I have been doing a little bill paying. Always a joy. Actually, lucky that I can afford to pay our bills, all things considered.

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