Friday, March 6, 2015

Well that is sad

Poo, even. I got all caught up in the many hour downloading of stuff for my computer that I completely forgot about doing my daily challenge, which means that my really, really, really long streak was broken. Oh well. Life is that way sometimes. I am sure I will survive. (One of my DC friends suggested I ask for a mulligan - but I do not hold out high hopes for that - which means I might just stop doing DC.)(They wrote back and said they could try to restore my streak - we shall see.)

And Twitter finally listened to my support emails and reset their flag on my email account so I did get a confirmation email and was able to log into my account. Huzzuh.

Mom was up all night basically, sitting in the bathroom. Not sure what to do about that. And she refused to lie down at 4 in the morning - after having spent the whole day sitting up. I must admit to yelling a bit to get her to finally lie down for a while. My throat is still sore.

I am exhausted. And a bit on the sad side. About Daily Challenge mostly. Though my mom is always good for a bit of sadness.

Yosemite (Yo-ze-might) has been safely installed and I don't see any problems. It will grow on me, I am sure. So, all of my personal computing devices are up to date. Hurrah!

Oops. Spoke too soon - apparently there is a new thing that the Mail app does that necessitates making some tweaks to one's account settings for some email accounts. Not everyone sees the issue - luckily enough people have that there are pages and pages devoted to it on the internet. Yay internet!

Spent way more time at the Smith today than I had planned. I even get to go back in later tonight. I could really use a nap. Mom is exhausted and passed out in her bedroom - in her chair unfortunately. But I can't even think about sleeping until I finish up closing at the Smith. Sigh.

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