Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Sunshine Yesterday

"No Sunshine" in a metaphorical sense. Remember the great ad line about "A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine." (Ok, don't know how to punctuate that correctly...) Well, maybe there are one or two people for whom a day without an Augustus Blog might be a day that has a cloud or two passing by quickly on an otherwise gorgeous day...Hubris, thy name is Augustus...

If I had my druthers you might be out of luck today as well. But instead, I am going to zip a blog post off before heading out to another day at the Opera. And by day, I mean - 9:30 till whenever, a little bit off for lunch where I rush back to the house, make lunch for mom and me, and then hurry back to the theatre. More rehearsing until 5 or so, then back to the house to create some dinner for the momster and me. Again, briefly here before heading back to the theatre. Until 10 or so at night when I return home to putter around until I go to sleep to get up early yet again to go into the theatre. This would be much easier without my mom duties, but that is what I signed up for, after all...So, onward.

Other than the opera, not a lot exciting has been happening. I haven't, obviously, gotten to watch much in the way of Olympic coverage. Not that there is too much that I am eager or even interested in watching. NBC is doing a great job of showing a lot of advertisements!

I feel like my life is on hold just now. I missed taking my mom to her doctor's appointment on Monday, which we will probably have to pay for. Sigh. My alarm on my iPhone wasn't tenacious enough and I hadn't set the same one on my computer. Glarg. I do feel that mom is being a smidge neglected, but not that much more than when I am actually here in the house all day. So maybe I will be able to figure out and find a job of some kind to bring in some extra income. Goodness knows it would help.

Ok, time to get motivated for today's opera stuff!

Breakfast for dinner on Sunday Night

Al directing

Shaving Cream and whipped cream - hope I don't mix them up!

The cast (mostly) of the Barber of Seville

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