Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life is but a dream...

I woke up this morning from a traveling dream - something about taking Interstate 10 across the part of the country that mom and I skipped on our recent roadtrip. For some reason the route kept jumping around and not staying put, making it a bit challenging to follow. I felt vaguely incomplete and unsatisfied when I finally struggled awake for the last time. Yes, this dream kept waking me off and on throughout the night. Yay!

I dropped the car off yesterday to get its oil changed, tires rotated and the left rear-end looked at. The owner, Dave wasn't there. This is a little place in town where mom got all of her car work done over the past ten years. Or maybe more. They seem to be reasonably priced, and don't do things that aren't necessary just to make money. The loud noise, it seems, came from a bad wheel hub bearing. And it is only going to cost a small part of one arm to fix. That is a good thing. I really enjoyed the walk back - it was about two miles I think. It was a gorgeous day here in beautiful Geneva, NY. Sunny, not too hot. Just a splendid day for a perambulation. I like seeing things from ground level. And it gave me some time to ponder the nature of the universe (which is currently pistachio colored for some reason...).

After the slight return, I got to work. First item of business, pay bills. Not as painful as it has been, which is good!

Next, work on putting the porch back together. I got most of it done - just missing the hanging lamp and a table cloth (though the latter is not absolutely necessary). And I did it my way (I must be in Chicago). I did not rinse off all of the furniture since it has been mostly under a plastic tarp the whole winter. I am a rebel!

Next on the agenda, getting a room ready for habitation by relatives. My nephew and his entourage were heading our way, and I had promised him a room and an extra mattress. The only room that would accommodate this with the least disruption (by which I mean neither my mom or I did not have to relinquish our rooms) was the orange room (so called because of the orange rug)(which long ago used to be my bedroom) at the head of the stairs. Over the years, books have somehow migrated from other rooms, from shelves, additional purchases etc. - who knows how, but a lot had accumulated there. In order to make the room passably habitable, those had to be removed. And I needed a place to remove them to. I picked the red room! (Guess, why it is called the Red Room...) In order to put them in the red room, I needed to do some rearranging in there. Joy. Luckily no rupture (from lugging stuff hither and yon).

After the moving was accomplished, it was bed making time. Mom helped by getting some pillowcases and sheets from the linen closet. Thanks mom! And suddenly, our guests were at our door!

It is always great to see and hang out with Sam. Lewis is growing up fast - already 8! And Abby was an enjoyable person to have around the house! We went for dinner at Nonna's (long o apparently according to her) and ate and drank and were merry! After Lewis went to bed, we all stayed up chatting for a good long time. Very nice!

All in all, a good day. Yay!

Might make this my cover photo on FB

For some reason, I often read this as simile first...

The mostly-put-together porch

Red Room before

Orange room pile of books before

Orange room after

Red Room after

Beds made, no one sleeping in them...

Sam and Lewis

Lewis and Abby

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