Friday, July 20, 2012

Shower Head - 1 vs. Augustus - 0

Yeah, all right, the shower head won the first round, but this fight ain't over yet...

So, my big plan to get handy didn't come off exactly as I had envisioned. I started by trying to locate the appropriate tools. Nope, not to be found. I sent emails to Karl and to Justin (the guy who fixed our leak the other day) asking for thoughts. Karl responded but even his help wasn't enough. Sigh. That just means that today, I get to buy some supplies that ought to make it possible to get the shower head off. I don't know what a penetrating catalyst is (besides a petroleum based spray) but apparently I need some. And maybe some CLR. And a vise grip or two. I love tools. I could be really handy if I wanted to be. But inherent laziness and desires to do other things prevent me from pursuing too many handy adventures around the house. Lucky house...

What I did try first in my efforts to remove the shower head was brute strength - but not being a brute and not really having much strength, that didn't work. I tried spraying some (4 cans?) (ok, not really, maybe four squirts) WD40 on and seeing if that would loosen things up. Apparently not. I got a candle and tried heating the thing shower head connection up, but I didn't know what needed heating, for how long and if a candle would even do the trick. Guess how effective that was! And I didn't know this, but cursing at a stuck shower head doesn't work either. Jeez, I wish there were a book or a manual that told you these sorts of things...

But wait, that was only a snippet, a wee portion of my fun-filled day. Mom wanted to go to the post office to mail envelopes containing postcards to two of her grandchildren. But we weren't sure the postage was correct, so she wanted to go ask at the post office. Which ended up being me going in and getting the one cent stamps necessary while she waited in the car. Then she waited in the car at the library. Not my idea of mom getting out of the house and doing errands. She did, eventually, get out of the car at Wegman's. Then she stayed in the car again at the ice cream place - cappuccino crunch for her and Apricot Italian Ice for me!

Dinner I blame on Kris Miller. It is all her fault. She posted a picture a while ago of tortilla's made into taco bowls by using the flipside of muffin tins. The idea took root in my mind and I ended up trying it last night. I was surprised that it worked at all. I think I overcooked them, but for a first attempt, I am not too upset.

Last exciting event of the day was my second visit to MicroClimate - the Geneva Wine Bar. Joe from Joe's Hots was there and we had a good chat. And I met a nice young man named Shawn from Georgia who is working at the Experiment Station here in town. What I didn't get to do was chat, preferably in French, with the co-owner, Stephanie. Maybe next time.

All in all, another lovely day here in Beautiful Geneva NY. Stop by anytime. And don't forget to comment and such. Here and on my other blogs. Like my brewpub blog. Not one comment there yet. Hmm, maybe I didn't turn commenting on...

The new shower head

The #$@! old shower head

Mom with her cappuccino crunch ice cream

The sign is in focus this time





Unknown said...

I must say the food looks good and that makes up for the losing battle with the shower head :)

Augustus said...

Thank you Tinamarie! It was pretty good, for a first attempt. Some salsa would have helped a lot! Next time!