Thursday, July 19, 2012

I get to be handy today

Yes folks, wish me luck. I am going to be handy. Don't faint! My big plan for the day, well one of two or three big plans today, is to change the shower head from a regular shower head, to one of those that can be either hand held or not. Yippee! On the trip, mom found that she liked to a) sit down in the shower and b) liked having the water in her hand. Makes sense, no falling over is a good thing. So I also want to get her a transfer chair - apparently used for people in wheel chairs to get into and out of the shower. But I haven't pushed the "buy" button on Amazon yet. I think I want to do a little more research first...

Anyway, that is top of my list for things to do today. And of course, I want to post a blog. Maybe two. A brewpub blog is just about ready for cable (as opposed to prime time...). This one is about one of two places that I visited in Tucson: Nimbus Bistro.

Yesterday, I went to the post office. Now, normally this isn't an exciting thing to mention, but in this case, I went because I had to mail off a copy of Diary of a Plate Addict! Yes, you heard it here! I sold another copy of Diary of a Plate Addict! So, now is as good a time as any, apparently, to get your own copy. Don't you ask yourself constantly "Gee, self, why haven't I bought a copy (or ten) of Augustus's books?"

What else did I do when I was out and about? I stopped and spoke with a man named Josh, who it turned out had also attended the Free School back when we were teenier. He wasn't as excited about it as I was.

Oh, and I got some really, really tasty grape Sherbet. Speaking of which, I always pronounced it sherbert - I wonder if it is a cultural thing...Well, according to the internet - Sherbet is correcter. I am tempted to try making my own at some point. Especially since I missed the Watermelon sherbet again. But the grape was pretty awesome. And they had some apricot Italian ice as well that was pretty tasty...Oh and someone (who shall remain nameless until she says she doesn't mind being named) mentioned granita. I think I may have heard of it before, but hadn't really registered it. So I did what any redblooded geek would do and googled it. Basically frozen juiced fruit. So I saw a watermelon recipe which I may just have to try - on a website by a woman named Ree - to which I just subscribed. Weird world.

Well, it is almost time to start being handy.

The cone is in focus!

corn on the cob, twice baked potato, pork and spinach

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