Sunday, July 15, 2012

Two Movies and some Rain!

Yay Rain!! I am sure it wouldn't be raining except for the fact that there is currently a lacrosse camp in session at Hobart and William Smith. Yippee for Rain! This is so exciting. I like rain. The grass likes rain. My dirty, dirty car likes rain! Huzzuh even!

Ok, so movies. Mom likes to watch movies - though she has kinda lost the ability to understand them. She doesn't recognize the characters, can't really follow the plot. I am not really sure what to do about this. Watch them and help her as best I can. Or not watch them. Hmm. Well, we watched two movies recently and I know how much you all enjoy my movie reviews.

Tangled - I remember seeing the trailers and ads for this movie and looking forward to seeing it. Somehow we missed it in the movie theatre. I think kids movies are a little easier for mom to follow than adult movies. And she does like the colors. As a movie, it was pretty good. Certainly enjoyable. The music wasn't too overwhelming or distracting. The lead character was drawn with Anime eyes - really huge green ones. Max the horse was very Disney-esquely drawn and reminded me of other Disney horses. The story wasn't totally predictable, which was good. Not exactly the fairy tale, but then again, I don't really remember the original tale all that well. Overall, I would give it a "see it if you like animated kids movies."

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - I mostly like Robert Downey, Jr.'s portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. His accent seems a bit prissy and precious, but other than that, I have enjoyed it. I liked the steam punk stuff in the first movie - of which there was little or none in this second movie. The Holmes assessing and visualizing is a cool thing. I liked Jude Law as Watson. I know the actor who played Mycroft and enjoy him mostly. I don't know, the whole movie just didn't do it for me. If you like RDjr, it is worth a look, otherwise, I might give it a pass.

And what an exciting day we had besides the movie! We did Laundry! That's right! And changed bed linen. Rock the casbah! Mom helped. She folded. And we also went food shopping. I made glop for dinner - basically I took a lot of leftovers and tossed them in a skillet and mushed them around a bit. Works most of the time.

Oh, hey! I forgot to mention that I am now up to 45 followers! Welcome on board follower 45! Only 5 more to go to break the fifty mark. And if anyone wants to follow my other blogs, comment on them, click on random things, that would be ok too!

I just had a minor epiphany. I was just going to add "paper napkins" to my shopping list, when I realized that we must have a bunch of cloth napkins. I wonder what the carbon footprint of using the two is. Hmm, off to google...according to the one website I skimmed, it would seem that multi-using a linen napkin is better for the environment. I am so down with that. Time to bust a move to linen napkins! Yay!

Mom helping with the Laundry

Glop and corn or corn and glop - doesn't look appetizing, but wasn't bad

Mom's freshly made bed - turned down and everything!

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