Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A regular daily post before a rant

I think it is just about time for a dating rant. Or lack of dating rant. But before I do that, I will write a bit about my day yesterday and see how I feel.

Yesterday...what the heck happened yesterday? Oh, right, I had a couple of meetings and took a trip to the NY DMV and to Wegman's. So, a full-ish day!

First meeting was in downtown Geneva, with Kelly from the Smith Opera House. We wanted to get on the same page about her expectations and my expectations about working together. I think we chatted for about an hour and got a lot of things straightened out. Turns out that she wants me to act as sort of the production manager in addition to my stage manager role. I can do that! We also talked about getting creative with the curtain speech about cell phones and such. We shall see if anything comes of that. It would take some effort and I don't know that the effort will be forthcoming. Everyone is always very busy (even when they aren't) (I should know about the latter...).

I also went to the DMV. Did you know that you had 30 days to get a new license and to re-register your car after moving to a new state? Well, good thing I haven't moved, yet. And I need to have insurance before I can get the car license. And for that, I need to find my car's title. I am sure I have it somewhere. Maybe I will look for that later today. Maybe not as well. I might just wait until after Karl and crew leave (on Friday). Wow, I am talking about them leaving and they haven't even arrived yet.

Second meeting was with Donna, a friend of a friend of a friend, who had an idea for an iPad application. We also chatted for about an hour. I am going to help her with the project. Mostly because it seems pretty simple and straightforward. I don't know when I will be able to focus on it, since I want to get Flippety done and the opera is getting closer to being in full swing. I told her that it would be at least two weeks before I had something for her to look at. I was thinking of working with a prototyper application and seeing what it can do before moving on to actual coding. Yay, another project! One that might actually bring in a dollar or two. Literally.

Next, mom and I went to Wegman's. Mom came along because she was determined to help by doing the recycling of the deposit cans and plastic bottles. Go mom! As for the shopping, I had a list, so it was pretty easy - in and out pretty quickly. Yippee! I like easy. Mostly I was getting ribs for dinner - which turned out pretty well, if I must say so myself. Mom liked the meal so much she had seconds!

I also worked on excavating my room a bit for the imminent arrival of Karl and his cohort. (Ok, not quite 480 strong, but still a good sized bunch.) My mom loves to stand in my doorway and say things about how messy my room is. Really, it isn't. It is just cluttered and disorganized. I will post before pictures today - and hopefully after pictures tomorrow. :)

The dating rant is going to be its own separate post. Yippee!

Not messy, just disorganized...

Again, disorganization rears its fearsome head

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