Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back so soon?

And welcome back - here's your mail, pay your bills, oh, here's a leak. And you have guests coming! Yay!

Here it is, Tuesday Morning and I feel like we never really left. Joy and rapture.

Surprisingly, I did not win Mega Millions on July 3, 2012. Hmm.

I spent a good bit of the day yesterday putting pictures into an album and then trying to delete any that others might find boring - which is probably most of them if I am honest with myself. Probably the 100 or so that I put on the blog would be too many for most people. Right now, I am down to 796. I took way over 1000 picture during the trip. I mainly want to get them onto my mom's iPad so she can look at them one day. And I think I will do an e-book from my blogs. No one will buy it, but I will be able to share it with my mom. Yay!

So many things I would like to do and so little time to do them. I don't really like to prioritize - feels like judgement. "Oh, you little task, are way more important than your friend the other task!"

Anyway, I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. I mostly went grocery shopping and picked up some pills for mom. Oh, and got the mail. Not as much mail as I would have thought. And most of it junk mail. Not one personal piece of mail for either my mom or me. How very sad that state of affairs is. Life goes on. Then, eventually I made dinner. Yippee!

Lots of pictures to make up for the few words in today's post. Yay?

See, not so much mail

I changed to the screen door!

Mom's lunch

The porch being swept

Cool things

They lift up! Wow!

Great look in footwear, I know!

Wet and sort of clean floor


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