Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What to write when there's nothing to write?

Just writing total nonsense is an option of course. Not that I would ever do that without warning. But I am not in a nonsensical sort of mood. I could write about the loads of nothing I did yesterday. Sigh. But that gets a bit tedious, even for me. I could write about Mom and her wild gadding about town - except that didn't happen, which brings us back to the nonsense option in any case. I could write about Star Trek (TOS)(The Original Series) episodes I watched last night - one of my favorites amongst them - A Piece of the Action. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

Yesterday was a "Jenny the Aide" day. Mom got washed, her bedsheets got changed. Life is clean and happy and good. I also re-taped mom's self inflicted, scratched, wounded forehead. Later in the day, she trimmed all of her fingernails, all by herself! I am so grateful that mom is so self-capable. I keep reading horror stories about later stages of this disease and quail at the thought of going through some of that stuff. Thankfully, we are not there yet. May the powers that be (if there are any powers that be) grant that mom not suffer through that.

Dinner was fairly typical and mom seemed to enjoy it - cheese stuffed hamburgers, corn on the cob, green salad and tater tots. Mom didn't ask me if I made the tater tots myself or if I bought them. Is this a bad sign?

Here I am, writing about Star Trek, TOS. I don't know why I enjoy A Piece of the Action so much, but I do. Maybe it is Shatner's over acting (as usual) that just fits somehow. Or Spock in his suit and hat. Or the little kid who wants a piece of the action. I just think it is a great, fun episode. It seems that the latter half of the second TOS season is filled with the crew exploring planets with Earth reflections - this one, a roman one, the Nazi one and one about the Yangs versus the Kohms. Interesting. Or as Spock says quite a bit - Fascinating!

I don't know why I wrote my post and forgot to publish it for so long yesterday. It's not like it was an exceptionally full day. Oh well, life is just like that sometimes!

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