Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Topical Tuesday

We are thinking of instituting a Topical Tuesday movie series at the Smith. The idea is to show movies that are thought/discussion provoking. Maybe show them on alternate weeks. Wednesdays, again on alternate weeks, we are going to run movies that are interesting cinematically but not necessarily large audience draws. Any ideas for a catchy name for our Wednesday movie series would be appreciated and entertained (maybe a glass of water - champagne is soooo expensive...). (Whacky Wednesday is off the table!)

That is part of what I did on Monday, a staff meeting at The Smith. I also met with a man (Mark) who works with the Dance Department at Hobart and William Smith about a fall dance concert that they are going to present at The Smith rather than at the Winn-Seeley gym as they have done forever in the past. I think he was anxious at first, but got more relaxed after we had chatted for a while.

Lastly, I spent a little time going through a large collected stack of CD/DVDs. Many people create them for an event presented at the Smith. I think there were four or five years of senior slide shows from Geneva High School in that pile. Mainly I was trying to find anything that we can use for music before movies and plan to let go of all of the stuff that has been abandoned there. Goodness knows we don't need them when the show that they were for happened 5 years ago! Or longer! I think I am going to like working as the Technical Manager of the Smith. Now I just have to decide if I want to always capitalize "The" or not. Hmmm...

Mom had Jenny the aide and was a bit cantankerous until she got her food. Mom ate a lot yesterday. Dinner was chicken and corn and broccoli - after that she had at least one fiber bar and ice cream. I have to remain happy that she has an appetite! She watched Shall We Dance again last night. She really doesn't like Swing Time and Shall We Dance all that much. I will put them at the bottom of the rotation. I like them both and don't understand what she doesn't like about them. It could just be Alzheimer's. (When in doubt, blame it on the disease.)

You may be wondering what excitement transpired on Sunday. I am wondering that, also. If anyone has any idea, please write and tell me!

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