Saturday, August 24, 2013

I love Weddings!

I was going to write: "I love weedings" but I doubt anyone would have gotten it. So I chickened out and went with the correct spelling. Sigh. I hate it when I chicken out. Luckily, this is a small chickening.

Anyway, I do love weddings. I am note sure why exactly. They are times of high stress for all involved. Ok, not all. Some people are just there for a good time. But the bride and mother of the bride are usually quite stressed out. And sometimes the maid or matron of honor. Sometimes the groom and the best man. I think it is that, despite the stress, most people are in a good mood. Happy about the whole experience. And all dressed up!

This is my first wedding at The Smith. I hope not the last. Not a huge wedding. Four bridesmaids and four groomsmen. I think they are expecting about 150 people for the service. The rehearsal went pretty smoothly, all things considered. I got there early and set up the sound. Lots of things needed plugging and lugging. I got the amp up on stage all by myself. Yay me. I would like a new dolly with much larger wheels. Just saying. Anyway, I didn't put the speakers up on the tripods. I just couldn't get them that high by myself easily. Not even easily. With much effort. Oh, I just had a thought. A little stepping ladder or even one step up would help. That will have to be looked into. I also put the railings on the steps - another job that is easier with two people. More people need to be added to the list of potential helpers at The Smith.

The wedding party arrived around 3:30 pm. Frank, a family friend from Pennsylvania, was the designer and sort of wedding director. He and his friend/co-worker Brittany (not sure how she spells her name) did a great job setting things up - though they still want to do bows before the wedding. Everyone was pretty easy going (despite the stress). The rehearsals (three times) went smoothly. No big technical issues. I get to raise and lower one light. And play some tracks from a CD at the appropriate times. I think I can handle it.

They left about on time as well. Yay! I stayed and shut things down and then headed home to cook dinner - salmon for mom, sausages for me.

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