Friday, August 9, 2013

Feeling a bit blue

Yup - but this too shall pass.

One of my fears is that I may be going down the Alzheimer's road myself. Heck, I am only 52 but I have read about a lot of people who are younger than I am who have Alzheimer's. Eeek! Last night, I went to put the store bought, cooked chicken into the over to keep it warm and it bumped into something. I couldn't think what was in there. Turns out it was a pan of tater tots that I had cooked on Wednesday night and forgot to serve. Sigh. I hate throwing away food, but couldn't bring myself to save the tots. Completely forgetting them was a little unnerving. Ok, I don't really think I have incipient Alzheimer's but...

My current temperamental shade could, of course, be due to lack of sleep, the weather and a pair of socks I wore on Wednesday that were too tight. Oh, and forgetting to put out any recycling on Wednesday night! Glarp and grrr!

Yesterday, I got a call to go into the Smith to set the HVAC system for the upcoming performances of Guys and Dolls. Easy peasy, 5 minute job. Ha! I ended up being there an hour and found myself agreeing to go to work tonight to help out (not sure if I am volunteering or being paid - I do hope the latter...). And the HVAC itself didn't cooperate. I had to call the "controls" guy and see if he could figure out what was wrong. Apparently the computer had become disconnected from the network so rebooting it solved the problem. Yay!

It was steamy and warm last night - not dropping below 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). I am guessing the humidity is 95%. (Nope, only 92%)

Mom watched two of her new movies last night. She didn't like Flying Down to Rio but did seem to enjoy Roberta. Both have Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in them. There are still two more of those. Plus I ordered 5 more movies for her. Four Cary Grant movies and another Fred Astaire movie - the one with him dancing on the ceiling. Now, all we need is a new TV set for mom in her room. Maybe even one that has a DVD player built in. The TV she has currently is older - and I don't know how to get a digital converter for her - though even if I could, I think a new TV would be better for her and her eyes.

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