Monday, August 19, 2013

Mom's Memory Moment (amongst other things)

It is so odd how mom's memory works. Justin came over and solved our leaky faucet problem and mom remembered a lot about him. That he was recently married, used to work for Mary Gerhart and helped us out with a big drain problem. All without prompting from me! True, she did go through the whole litany of what she knew about three times in a row, but at least there was some spark of memory there! Huzzuh!

Late last night, I watched Small Apartments which was weirdly fun. It got low ratings on IMDB, but I liked it a lot. Very quirky. I thought that a friend had watched it and reflected that on Facebook. In fact, I am sure that is where I saw it mentioned. Unfortunately I forgot who said they had watched it. The person I thought had watched it said she hadn't. Hmph. Oh well, I am glad that it found its way onto the Netflix queue.

Sunday was also a busy time at The Smith. Guys and Dolls loaded out and did an excellent job cleaning up after themselves. They all believed that the theatre looked better than they had found it. Probably true! Then there was a going away party for David, which was fun. I couldn't stay long, as I needed to get back to feed mom dinner, but he got a good sized group of attendees and everything was very pleasant. Yay!

Still no drip from my bathroom faucet! I am soooooo handy!

I am listening to a book called Middlesex and enjoying it so far. I am curious, though, why the Greeks portrayed in NYC have accents that sound Jewish.

This is one of those periods in my life where everything seems a little too overwhelming. I know that life is not under my control. I fully understand that. Right now, though, things are worse than normal in my head. I try to live in the moment, be positive, all that jazz. Please realize, this is not depression. It is confusion. Ok, maybe it is a bit of depression. But life goes in cycles. And most of my cycle is way above the median line of unhappy. What is that song - into each life some rain must fall? This too shall pass.

And then I think about mom and what she is going through. Sigh.

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