Thursday, August 22, 2013

Two weeks in a row!

I'm back! Phew! When I forgot to put the recycling out last week, it really threw me. True, my reminder on my computer had stopped (why had I stopped it?) so nothing popped up at midnight to tell me to put the recycling out. I don't know why I felt so discombobulated by a missed rendezvous with the recycling. Maybe because it is the one thing I can do each week that makes me feel like I am emptying the house of clutter just a teeny bit. Teeny, weeny, little bit. But better than nothing! Two weeks and counting!

Met at the Smith to talk about movies. Apparently we are going to be showing movies at the local Girls and Boys club as well as at the Smith. Interesting. So I had to get my head around two different sets of programming. Not a big deal, in the larger scheme of things. Still, all information has the potential to be useful. And I did learn a good bit. Somehow, though, I got the times all mucked up. I thought David and I were meeting at 4 and the meeting about the community center movies was to be at 5. Ooops. 3 and 4 respectively. I was only an hour off, but on time for the group meeting. Yay. I am hoping I can do some of the film stuff from my Mac. There are mostly MSFT PCs at work. Although I can get around them in a pinch, it has been years since I have done a lot of work with them. Poo even. But I will re-learn. Yippee!

At some point in the near future, motivation must be manufactured to get out of the little rut in which I have maneuvered myself. There are many things that would benefit me to get accomplished and I am really busy at not accomplishing them. Not that my days are so jam packed with other priorities. (Like getting my blog done - big and tough and rewarding that one is)(ok, yes, it is - well the last one mostly, which, when I analyze it, is pretty important to a sense of well-being) And making lunch and dinner and doing a crossword with mom are not that time consuming. Oh, I did have a realization - not an epiphany-let because it was really a one time thing - or maybe those ought to be reversed in meaning - hmm - anyway, while showering, last year (I like to be dirty) I put together my plan for an evening meal. Yay! Don't you find that the effort of figuring out what to make for dinner can be daunting at times?

Last night, latish, I met up with David and Keiran and Jason and Laura and played some pool at Trotta's. No one was there except for the bartender, Mario. He graciously let us play as long as we wanted, which ended up being till about midnight. I didn't play all that well. I realize that I am still ok, not good. Certainly not great. Sigh. Still love playing, though. Even on small bar tables.

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