Thursday, August 8, 2013

Duct, duct, goose

Yesterday, after a late Tuesday night out and about, gorging on chicken wings, beer and pool, I had to arise and shine (and give god my glory, glory...)(nope, not really religious...) and get to the Smith to do some volunteer work. Yes, I volunteered my time. What a good person I am. If I were wealthier (or wealthy at all, fiscally) (I am wealthy in other, non-monetary ways, I like to believe) I would volunteer more. Perhaps. Probably not. But it wouldn't matter if I volunteered or not. Anyway, I went in to help a founding father of the modern incarnation of The Smith Opera House with the removal of some old duct work from the guts of the building. When the air conditioning went in, the old duct work was demolished (partly) and not removed. No reason to leave this lying around. We wanted to have a chain gang (or fire brigade type line) of people to make the work go quickly and easily. At first, it looked like it was only going to be me and Ken. Then the contractors (who were there for other reasons) jumped in to help. And then another volunteer showed up. Many hands made light work and we got the job handled in about an hour and a half! Yay us! I got the easy and fun job of standing by an open hole in the wall three stories up and throwing the pieces of duct and other debris down and out. Yippee! Made some good noises! And no one was hurt! We did get dirty, though...

And that was the high point of my day. Nothing else exciting transpired. Oh, wait, I am, yet again, a fibber. Something depressing happened. Leaf Kitchen announced that they were giving up their fight to bring fresh, happy, locally sourced food to the people of Geneva. Very sad. I went in to chat with Tatiana and I must admit that I was a teeny bit tearful. I have always felt welcome at their establishment. Sigh. I guess I will have to go in a few more times before they close up for good at the end of the month.

Lastly, mom and I had movie night and watched Ghost World. This movie had been recommended to me, and being somewhat enamored of Scarlett Johanson, I figured what could it hurt to watch the movie. Well it hurt my brain. A lot of people think highly of this movie. I thought it was pretty bad. I didn't like Thora Birch, who was the lead. Scarlett's acting was terrible - sure she was 15 and was supposed to be 18, but she was just plain bad. Pretty, bad. Steve Buscemi, who I enjoy, was not all that great either. I am sure he did what was wanted of him and more, but just not wonderful. And it got weird at the very end. Which left a peculiar sense of non-closure for me and mom. Perhaps it was supposed to signify that she had died? Who knows? And I for one, will hope to forget the movie soon.

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