Friday, August 30, 2013

The meeting that wasn't

Don't you hate it when you have a meeting and everyone who is supposed to be there isn't? What's the point in having the meeting when all the players don't play. Sigh. So, it was rescheduled. Yippee! I did get some work in the office accomplished, though. And my new time sheets for The Smith's hourly employees, me included, will get their first trial run starting next week. I can hardly wait.

And there we have it. The excitement for the day. Woo hoo! We can all take a break now. Phew! Ah. If only I knew someone who was a masseuse who could come in and give me a good working over. Heck, I would like a massage of any kind at this point in my life. Maybe after my next pay check? I think we get paid every two weeks...

Aide day! Yippee! Mom says she doesn't need the company - but she does so enjoy an audience. For a while. Then she is over it. Jenny is great, though. I am very happy that we have her helping out. 

Some of you may have noticed that I am have not been writing much about relationships or the lack there of. That is because there is nothing to write. Nothing positive that is. Which is sad. And not worth writing about. So, I am not writing about it. Yay?

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