Thursday, August 29, 2013

What is Irony?

I am not sure I understand the concept of "irony" entirely. Maybe because at one point I listened to Alannis Morrisette's Ironic song and got all confused. Anyway, I save everything for a while. Well, just about everything. Not used tissue, but just about everything else. Or nail clippings. Ok, few things bodily related. But papers, I save those. A lot. Just about every receipt gets saved for at least a year or two. Except for one pair of receipts recently. Remember when I was doing the faucet drip thing? I bought a faucet replacement set at Lowes. Brought the receipt home and nonchalantly tossed it at a box - my recycling box. I vaguely thought, "Oops, wrong box" and intended to move the receipt later. That night, Wednesday, was recycling - and we all know how I don't like to miss an opportunity to put recycling out, so out it went. I sort of recall thinking "Hmm, I wonder if I will need that Lowes receipt. Nah!" And now, here I am, wanting to return the faucet thing but not sure if Lowes will do it without a receipt. They ought to - since they are so computerized, but I haven't gone out to try. So, is that irony? I save all the receipts except for the one that I really could make use of?

I made a delicious meal last night, if I must say so myself. It is one of my more favorite meals to make. BBQ (homemade BBQ sauce) ribs with baked beans, coleslaw and corn on the cob. Everything turned out well and mom enjoyed it. Unfortunately, ribs just doesn't turn out to be enough food for her. Sigh. Sometimes she reminds me of that huge cornucopia looking Doomsday machine on Star Trek (TOS).

Late night movie choice was The Odd Life of Timothy Green. I liked the ads for it when I saw them. Jennifer Garner has always been an actress I enjoy watching. The movie was pretty good, all things considered! Made me cry a lot, which is always fun!

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