Friday, August 16, 2013

Up and at 'em

I used to think the saying was "up and atom" - of course, I grew up when atomic energy and such was still pretty fantastic sounding and new. Now I know what it really is. Got get 'em, tiger! That is what I did yesterday. Up at the crack of dawn. Ok, not really. But I was showered and out of the house before 9:30 am to spend time at The Smith playing with the HVAC controller. Fun times.

Since I was up, I decided to run a couple more errands. My first (and most likely my last) trip of the summer to the Geneva Farmer's market was first on the agenda. Not the most thriving farmer's market I have ever been to. No broccoli! Or artichokes! They did have corn, so I got three ears. (It was delicious.) Not a lot of people there at 10 in the morning either. Still, some farmers market is better than no farmers market.

Next stop, the library. Mom wants to go to the library. I will get her there again sometime. I think she just enjoys looking at the books and then taking a few home. I don't think she really reads them. But I don't sit with her every minute of any day, so I don't really know. Since I was by myself, I got two audio books to listen to in the kitchen. Yippee!

Next major event, napping! I was tired so a nap was definitely in order. Yay for naps. Oh, and crossword fun with mom. This is something that I try to do at least once a day, but I do miss some days: read clues from a crossword for mom and try to help her to figure out the responses. Kind of like Password (the tv game show) which I really enjoyed. On a side note, I think I may have mentioned this before - mom wants me to try out for Wheel of Fortune. I did once, years ago, and didn't become a contestant. I don't know that I would qualify next time either. And that show has a huge element of luck involved, which counteracts my cleverness quotient, such as it is.

After nap, was dinner - last night I made store cooked chicken with house made corn on the cob and sugar snap peas. Yum!

After dinner, mom watched a couple of movies - one Cary Grant and one Fred Astaire, while I played. I finally finished Red Dead Redemption - which I enjoyed thoroughly. I started a game about Alice and Wonderland (not much of a resemblance to the books) which is pleasant but not scintillating. Suddenly, the phone rang. Or rather, I looked at the phone and saw that Kelly from the Smith had called and left a message minutes before. Apparently the dimmers were flipping off again. Sigh.

I headed down and did what I could to help out - which basically meant standing around and watching to see if it happened again. Which it didn't. Yay! This morning, David and I vacuumed the dimmers off and out and hopefully that will solve the problem, as it did last time. I was a bit surprised at how much dust (saw dust?) was in the vents. Eeek! Quite a day!

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