Friday, March 30, 2012

Small Towns are, er, small

Welcome Follower 43!! Drop me a comment if you ever feel so inclined!

I went into the Red Dove again last night for a couple of beers on my wild Thursday night out. It turns out that the bartender and I were in grade school together! Not often in the same class, but enough so that we were aware of each other. How cool is that? We chatted a little bit about people we knew in common. Bill Lamb is still in town! Last time I saw him was over 20 years ago. Wow!

Another thing I learned just now, is that winnings don't seem to be taxed the same way they used to be. Now they are just regular income, which means they are taxed at whatever tax bracket one finds oneself in. I guess that makes sense. I still don't see why Capital Gains (especially short term Capital Gains) aren't taxed that same way. Whatever. I haven't finished my economics book yet. I'll get to it, in the fullness of time. So, yes, I did buy three MegaMillions tickets! Yay! I am already counting my chickens! :)

The chapter I was working on yesterday was very frustrating. Too much code without explanation - not enough intermediate steps to show things working as I went. Poop. I finally got all the code typed in and it sort of worked. So I bailed and move on to the next chapter. That one was great! Yippee! Onwards!

Almost ready to make candy! I am so excited! I am planning on making Sesame Squares and Almond Roca. I couldn't find a candy thermometer at Wal-Mart, though. After dinner, let the candy making begin!


naturegirl said...

Excited to see the outcome of such experimentation :) Looks like a good week my friend ! I too am counting the hens!!! to win something is better than not :) We shall soon see ..My luck be with us LOL..

Happy Friday.

melania said...

Augustus, where are the pictures? Of the candy, of course...

You'll nail programming, I am sure of that!



Augustus said...

Pictures will be up today, all things being equal, Brigitte! Fingers crossed!

Augustus said...

Thank you Melania - I certainly hope so! I am, mostly, having fun with it. Pictures of candy will be up later today!