Thursday, March 22, 2012

Brute force

I have written about this a little on the writing blog (about which I haven't forgotten) and I want to touch on it here - since most of yesterday's productive time was spent working on the first of my applications. I am forcing myself through it - it isn't pretty and it isn't optimal, but it is starting to work. True, whenever I get one thing working, something else breaks. And then I spend a while figuring out what broke and why. After I get that fixed, on to the next thing. So far, I have a good bit working with a few more steps to go before I can even think about more steps beyond that. Yippee!

Also, if anyone can think of an iPhone app that they are dying to have, and they don't want to develop it themselves, please let me know. I do have a few ideas, three games and two non-game apps, but nothing very exciting. Not that I am promising I will build the app, just looking for ideas to expand my knowledge and to possibly build.

I find that working on these applications takes a lot of time just sitting around and thinking - waiting for the "aha" moment to arrive. Or at least the "heck, what if I tried 'x'?!" moment...

Not a lot else went on yesterday. Mom and I went out in the yard again. She spent a part of the day in the sun - she remembered that someone somewhere said that getting some vitamin D from basking in the sunshine was a good thing. I cooked eggrolls, rice&beans and broccoli for dinner.

Mexican Chinese Hybrid dinner! :)

And we watched the last two episodes of Rome. Did Varenus die in the end? If he did, it was very subtle. I hope he didn't.

 I mean his kids just started to like him again. Sigh. Anyway, it was a good series. Next up - Deadwood!

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