Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crossing those roads (longish post)

Yay, gotta love 'em. Crossroads are a good thing. Just think if roads never intersected. How could you ever get anywhere new?

So, some of you may have noticed that my blogging has been a bit on the sporadic side. It is. I have been otherwise focused. And will probably be otherwise focused for a while to come. Not that I don't enjoy writing blog posts, I do. It is just that sometimes the day gets away from me. I get up too late, I do too many other things, whatever. It just gets away from me. And I find myself at 5 in the evening with no blog near completion. 5 is when the day is sort of over for me. At least the writing/creative part of the day. Not that cooking isn't creative - it is, but I am not really in front of my computer from 5 until I go to bed - around 11 or 12 or later. So if my post isn't mostly complete by 5, it just isn't going to be done.

I don't mind posting half-assed posts as you may have noticed. Though I do like to post three-quarter assed posts whenever possible. You know the ones - the ones that are thoughtful, feel as if they have been looked over and edited a smidge. With pictures. The not totally boring ones (every 17th or so). Sometimes, though, even the half-assed ones don't get written on time. I love me some cheese...

Speaking of crossroads, which is where this blog started, I am now at one in my iPhone work. I have done a lot of tutorials, read a bunch of books and just am a little stymied for what to do next. I now have four ideas for applications to create and that is boggling my mind a little. I like all of the ideas and I like being able to flit from project to project - at the same time, I sure would like to be able to focus on one of them. My fickle mind has its good points and its not so good points...

The past couple of days have been good. Well, most days are good. Just sayin'. Sorry I haven't written...

Anyway, Monday, mom and I went to the post office and got more stuff for her to huff, er, snort. As I may have mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the Ears, Nose and Throat Physician's Assistant gave mom some nasal spray that was supposed to help her stop blowing her nose so frequently. I think it is working. Unfortunately, there was only 5 days worth in each of the containers she gave us. And that won't last until we get back to the doctor's office in April. So we stopped in to see if we could get more samples, or a prescription. We got samples! Woo hoo! We also went to the post office, which is always a pleasure. At least it is in Geneva - nice clerks!

It is an uphill battle here at Chez Schoen-René, trying to keep the house minimally organized. I know I am not doing enough on a daily basis. Just thinking about it is mind numbing, and actually doing anything about it just takes so much effort. And mom does such a good job of making piles...
One of mom's nests - I neaten it, and two days later...

Dinner Monday was beef (which is supposedly now horrendously bad for your health) with twice baked potatoes (sour cream is the answer), broccoli and artichokes. Yay!

Tuesday was Beer Tuesday, amongst other things. Mom and I also went for a little walk in the yard. Who out there loathes yard work? I know I do. I cannot think of a bigger waste of time. I just get no joy from it at all. Not the smallest iota. I have done a lot of yard work over the years, for mom, for neighbors, for not so neighborly people - for free, for a pittance, for pay - and I hate it. And mom thinks that because she enjoyed doing it in the past (or if not enjoyed it at least she cared about it and did it) that I should do it. Ha. Not going to happen. She was damn lucky that I took her for a stroll around the house. We found some daffodils for her to put in a vase. And we found a dead crow. (we didn't put that in a vase...) Yay! She asked me what I was going to do about the dead crow (and a lot of other things) and I said that I was going to do nothing! Sorry. Just not going to happen.
Mom. Outside!
Yay, dead crow!
Next stop, Beef and Brew for beer Tuesday. I have had to change my schedule to accommodate changes to staffing at the Beef and Brew. My favorite server, Lorraine, is taking Wednesdays off now, so I have changed my beer day to Tuesday. And yesterday, I took pictures of the beer menu - so that I can go through it and cross off what I have had. That ought to make it easier to pick what I still need to have. Yesterday's beers started off badly. Has anyone had a good experience of Duchesse de Bourgogne? I thought it was terrible. Kind of like a sour. Kind of like a Gueze. Just icky. And it left a bad taste in my mouth for my next two beers as well - Sled Dog (a dopplebock) just didn't taste right. And lastly a beer from Syracuse - Empire Amber - which again tasted off. Oh well. Not every beer day can be exemplary!

And today is another day. Go figure...

Bluettes mom calls these little flowers

Look, buds! Pussy willow?

I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but there are new shoots on the Christmas Tree! Maybe this one will survive!


Anonymous said...

Haha....from the looks of Mom's 'pile' I could say that she is much like my mom! (That and the shower thing...I just don't get what that is about either!) I start by getting rid of any and all junk mail before she can even get her hands on it. It goes straight out to the recycling. And, I know it sounds horrid, but I KNOW that my mom won't remember much about what is in those piles, so they are put out too, in bits and pieces, until they disappear. My mom is a bit of a hoarder (we blame it on the depression era she comes from!) and I can fill a bag with things she thinks are worth 'saving' on any given day. I try to sneak things out at least twice a week. ON the yard work, I like it because it's an instant satisfaction kind of job. It just looks so much better immediately! (: LOVE the pussy willow photo. And...I think it's time to take the decorations off the tree and take that baby outside! Peace out!

naturegirl said...

Wow This blog certainly made up for the lack of blog recently.:)
Was wondering about when you were going to the Beef and Brew.. sad you had a bad beer day, however not every beer will be great. Love the yard pic's agreed time to plant that christmas tree and give it some spring air and sun !!! Hugs B

Augustus said...

Hi Anonymous!

I do some stealth sorting - but I don't take away mom's junk mail - if I did that she wouldn't get any mail at all and at this point, she still thinks she likes looking at the mail. I might start sneaking a piece or two of that away. And I am definitely doing some stealth sorting/cleaning out - but very slowly and quietly...

Augustus said...

True indeed, Brigitte - this one was almost as bad as the beers I had that were made from heather and from seaweed!