Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Lovely Warm Ginger Day!

Yay! Though mom isn't going to take a shower - she almost stamped her little feet over it - it will still be good to have Ginger here. She is taking classes and getting another nursing degree notch in her belt so that she can get a better paying job. Which means that she won't work doing what she is doing anymore. A bridge to cross when we get there.

I put the recycling out last night! Yippee! I am always happy when I get the recycling out!

Walked downtown to the library and the Bodacious Beef and Brew. I haven't had a good walk since the fall! Yay!

The library had all of Norman Rush's work, so I got them all. Don't know if I will read any of them - haven't been in much of a reading mood lately. We shall see.

I found out that Lorraine is going to not be working on Wednesdays, so I am going to change my beer day to Tuesday. Earlier in the week. Yippee! For beers, I had Schneider Aventius (yum) Harpoon Celtic (also yum) and Wychwood Hobgoblin (not as yum but ok).

Again, I am leaning towards going to Canandaigua for my Thursday night out. Chances are slight but it is there in the back of my mind...I'll probably just Red Dove again - unless there is a compelling reason to try Pure once more...

I am having so much fun working through the iOS tutorials. Each time something breaks and I fix it, I feel like I have accomplished something. And when the app shows up on my simulator and does what it is supposed to do, well, downright yippee!


I guess Spring has Sprung!


I am not sure why the HWS US flag was at halfmast - any know?


Anonymous said...

Professor Emeritus of History Robert A. Huff, who taught at the Colleges from 1962 to 1992, passed away on Tuesday. I believe that's why the flag was at halfmast.

Augustus said...

Thank you Anonymous! I remember Professor Huff! Sad to hear he passed...