Monday, March 12, 2012

Blank Page Syndrome

Blank page, staring me in the face. Fill me! FILL ME!

Ok, then, that is at least a start.

I just haven't been feeling like putting fingers to keyboard lately - at least in the blogging department. Not that my life has been uninteresting - at least to me. For instance, Saturday night, I actually went out! Gasp! I know, weird, right? Leaf Kitchen said they were having music and I thought - why the heck not? So I went and had a lovely time. Sean, a man I had met there before, was playing his guitars and singing. Other people I knew were there as well. Including a birthday party for another friend. I also met a couple, recently moved from Charlotte with two cute kids. I had a hair shaking contest with the four year old. I think she won!

I cooked more french toast for dinner on Sunday. Yay french toast - and relearned something that I knew - that the french call the same dish "lost bread" as it was often used with stale bread - saving it from being thrown away.

And I am having fun on my mission to learn how to program the iPhone. Yippee!

Oh, I started reading my Economics for Dummies book - I was surprised to learn that the entire science is founded on the idea of scarcity. How sad is that?

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