Friday, March 16, 2012

Seen Milk?

The other night, mom and I watched Milk - not a movie that I was dying to see, but someone mentioned so it ended up on the NetFlix list. I was alive during those occurrences, but was not really aware of what was going on - especially since I was on the East Coast and San Francisco is on the West Coast (for those of you who weren't sure...). I was aware of the gay rights issues and didn't understand what the big hullabaloo was about. People are people, don't hate, don't discriminate. That seems pretty simple to me. Anyway, the movie was surprisingly good. Sean Penn did an excellent job. As did the rest of the cast. I was saddened by the fear evinced by so many. But happy that good apparently triumphed! Huzzah!

I have started watching episodes of Bones on Netflix. They have through season 6 available for streaming. I still don't understand how they choose which items to stream and which to not stream. I am sure it is some sort of legal rights/distribution thing. Sigh.  Anyway, for a longish time, back in Clayton, we would watch an episode of Bones with dinner. I just had to remember not to actually be eating during the first few minutes when they revealed the body (always quite gross on Bones).

Last night I visited the Red Dove Tavern in Geneva. They always have good beers on tap. Yay! I had a a Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA (though it tasted a bit more like a double IPA to me) a Naked Dove Scotch Ale and a third beer that escapes me just now. All three were quite tasty. I also had nice chats with Erin (who is planning big changes in the not so distant future), David (who is working towards a degree at NY Chiropractic College) and Abby who is always entertaining.

And I started reading Norman Rush's book of short stories - Whites. I liked the first story though not as much as I hoped I would. I will try to read some more and see if his style grows on me. It felt sort of disjointed to me.

Still percolating (or plugging, hmm) along on the computer stuff. Every once in a while I get the thought that this is totally doable, and then the next few days I feel like I am way over my head. We shall see which wins out!

Less dough equals more yummy!

Oh, I made an awesome pizza last night for dinner. When I made the pizza dough a while ago, I froze some cause it wouldn't fit on the pizza stone. It was pretty little when I got it out - but I stretched it to fit most of the stone. Which made the crust pretty thin, which I like! Next, I converted some spaghetti sauce into pizza sauce (added a lot of garlic salt and oregano). Toppings were grilled onions, grilled mushrooms and pepperoni. Mozzarella cheese for the cheese. Mom actually liked it (besides just saying that she liked it). I will have to do that again soon, as I have a lot of sauce to use up!

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