Sunday, March 27, 2011


Who requested some more winter? I mean, wasn't it just well into Spring a couple of days ago? Eeep! Oh well, it gave me an excuse not to go on the Segway tour. Not that I needed an excuse. I stayed up a little too late watching movies - two of them in fact. More on those later. And when 9 am rolled around, I decided to rollover and not get out of bed. Yippee! Or off of futon, if you want to be precise. I like a bit of precision here and there. One can have too much of a good thing though.

So, we had pasta for dinner last night. And Texas toast. And some bits of broccoli. It was yummy.

The two movies were Stone and Please Give. I don't understand why the second one was named the way it was. The first was basically a three hander - Robert DiNero, Edward Norton and Mila Jahvavovich...ok, looking up her name now...Milla Jovovich. I thought all three did really well. Interesting, not scintillating movie. Mild recommendation. 6.5ish I think.

The second starred Catherine Keener, Oliver Platt and Amanda Peet. It was mostly a dramedy. I like Oliver Platt. Not a huge Catherine Keener fan but she did a good job. And Amanda Peet was good too. A new comer, to me, played one sister. I am not sure how to rate it - decent, for sure. Glad i watched it. Not overjoyed. Probably about a 6.5 as well.

Here are the pictures from Saturday:

Jonathan and Cate hard at work in the kitchen!

Dinner chez Jeanie - broccoli and pasta - yum!

The four movies.

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