Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am not really sure why clubs aren't my thing. Maybe it is because I am not a shimmy-er. Or perhaps it is because many of the people at clubs are in their early 20s. Or because there are too many "beautiful" people in one place. Anyway, clubs are not my thing. Oh, it could be the inability to carry on a decent conversation. That is also a downside. Stilllife is a nice enough place I guess. Just not my kind of place.

Anyway, I spent the evening/night at a club last yesterday, shining lights on pretty women. Ok, mostly standing around making inane small talk with my fellow spotlight operators until it was time to shine our lights. The fashion show was enjoyable, though, all things considered.

At first I didn't see the place - then found it, obviously.

This photo shows that the servers at the Saucer really have nothing to complain about in terms of their outfits.

The post show "everyone on the catwalk" thing.

All in all, I am glad I went. I think I am going to enjoy The Machine tonight a tad more...

Oh, and more pictures are up on Facebook. Thank you and goodnight.

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