Thursday, March 17, 2011

Late Start

And feeling a bit disgruntled. Or dismayed might be a better word. How can I be unemployed for the whole calendar/tax year and owe taxes? Weird. Oh well. This too shall pass. I am sure part of my feelings are just that I haven't done my yoga yet or eaten anything. Both of those usually help.

Well, that is good. I just got a message from my housemate that I don't need to take her son to Raleigh to get his haircut! That means I get to stay home on this crazy day. I wonder if anyone will join me or if I will have the house to myself. Either way, I will be happy. Should I at least go to the store and get some supplies? Hmm.

I just got off the phone with James G and am going to hold a spotlight for a fashion show Friday night. That ought to be fun!

Anyway, I cooked again last night. Yippee for me! Here are the pictures.

First, I shelled a lot of peanuts for some Thai peanut sauce. The sauce turned out pretty well. I think I can add more "stuff" to it - spice-wise I mean. Now I just have to figure out what to put it on...

The chicken being cooked before the coconut milk and other stuff went in.

The finished stuff. Yummy, but needed a lot more curry.


Anonymous said...

Get some green dye and a six pack of beer! :)

Augustus said...

Good thought - I got a twelve pack and skipped the dye! :o)