Saturday, March 12, 2011


Soft planning and hard planning - that is sort of how I think about it. I like to have a plan. Used to be if the plan didn't come off as, er, planned, I got a bit miffed and cross. Luckily, I am not nearly as much that way. That was harder planning. I like to have at least a soft plan in my head all the time. It helps me get through the day. Or the week. I don't really think much further out than that just now. As for a day's plan, it looks something like this: Get up, do whatever, do more whatever, head to the Saucer, head home, do more whatever, cook dinner, do more whatever and then go to bed. Hmm, doesn't look very exciting does it? On a planned day, like today, I have targets: Get to the Saucer around 5. Go to Kevin's party around seven. That's it. That's my plan. Yippee! And if it doesn't happen like that, oh well. I will survive. And make another plan.

I am a little anxious about going to the party tonight. Partly because I am always a little anxious before any social engagement. Ok, not any. When I was hanging out with Jeanie a lot, I wasn't anxious about spending time with her. More like parties. Even parties at the Saucer. I know, this one isn't at the Saucer, but it is a party. I don't know if I will feel social or anti-social. I know that is a choice. Sigh. And there are a few women who I have mini-crushes on who might be there. Sigh again.

I invited Cate to go to the party as well, but she declined.

Yesterday I cooked again. I stood in Lowes Foods for at least five minutes dithering about what shrimp to get. I ended up buying frozen breaded shrimp. They were half the price of the other shrimp available! I decided to make shrimp scampi - or at least something in that vicinity. Turned out decently. Picture to follow.

Walking out of Lowe's Foods yesterday, I just thought this view looked Springy and pleasant.

This is the Before picture. Progress Energy is replacing their pole with another one that is taller and might have a transformer on it. I had to sign an easement and everything. They are giving me a dollar, though...

Dinner last night. Shrimp scampi like stuff over angel hair pasta and some asparagus. Yum!


Sam said...

I keep trying to start planning my days on google calendar. It has a really good function which is to send me a text message 20 minutes before I am supposed to be somewhere / meet somebody; just enough time for me to be sure to get where I am supposed to be no more than 10 minutes late!

Augustus said...

There is a mac app called iCal that I make use of...