It is Bojangles/Saucer/Juggling day! Be still my heart! Before that, not a lot planned. Work on the collages a bit for Diary of Plate Addict. I have been getting a lot of silence from Heather lately. I sent her maybe twenty emails and she responded to part of one. Oh well. A draft will be forthcoming. I think she said two weeks a week ago. My plan is to print out a few copies of the book - maybe three - one for me, one for the Saucer home office and one for my friend and high school roommate (two different years) and actual real author, James. James and I got back in touch after another gap. I found his daughter on Facebook and asked her to ask him to write me. He did! Maybe we will actually get to see each other once again. He has become a real estate mogul. Maybe mogul is too strong a word - but still...
Anyway, that is what happens. Make a plan and then go with the flow - words of wisdom I posted on an FB friend's page. Daniel came back from school and announced that he had too much homework to go to Bojangles/Saucer/Juggling. Oh well. So I came by myself. And found Dean at my table. Words can't express my feelings were Dean are concerned. I am sure he is a nice enough person. He just rates as a huge jerk in my book. Oh well. I am sure I rate as a large jerk in other people's books. Life is just that way.
And now, the pictures from yesterday.
At brunch, I saw a group who comes fairly regularly, laden with kinder. I took this and another picture for potential incorporation into Diary of a Plate Addict. Yes, you could have seen it here first!
The quince bush again - but more redolent with flowers!
Abstract-ish picture of the ceiling of Cate's current "pad" on the deck.
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