Sunday, March 6, 2011

Listening to the Rain

Doesn't get much better than that. I love to listen to the rain. Especially on one of my skylights. Yippee! I just hope that it tapers off some before I head out to the Saucer. I think three people are having plate parties today. Not really excited about going, but I do like the people. And the place. And free-ish beer is hard to pass up. It is the drive. And I hope that the place isn't noisy. I have no expectations about getting to sit at my regular spot, but life is that way sometimes.

I have been putting off working on the book for a couple of reasons. Well, not putting off. More like cogitating. And waiting. Waiting for more font choices from Heather. Waiting to have inspiration on what to do about collages in the book. I am waiting to make any more textual changes until I have the next draft in my hands. Hopefully the pictures will be closer to 80% complete this time. We shall see.

Cate made breakfast today - picture tomorrow! :) For now, food pictures from yesterday!

I splurged and bought a set of three pyrex bowls with lids. Woohoo!

And here's the reason why I bought them. To make spinach and artichoke dip. It turned out pretty well, but there is room for improvement!

My last foray into Chinese food for the time being - Hunan Orange Beef. Turned out ok, not scintillating...

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