Thursday, February 19, 2015

Windows Operating System No Bueno

Sue me, I would rather pay more and work less than pay less and work more. I am setting up the second PC Laptop for the Smith and I couldn't be having much less fun. The whole start thing with different boxes of different sizes and sometimes obscure or arcane icons - ewww. And IE (Internet Explorer) just sucks. The interface is boxy and ugly and I have no idea what the hell is going on. Poo even. Macs just work. Did you notice the period? Sure, anyone can fuck up anything. So if you really want to do stuff way outside the huge box that Apple provides - sure, you might run into problems. And lots of them. Because, guess what - that isn't what an Apple device is designed to do. It is designed to let people do lots of stuff that most people want to do. And it lets them do it easily. True, I have been using Apple devices since 1985 so I am used to them - though they have gone through a lot of changes during that time.

Meanwhile, the first (second) camera miraculously appeared in my iPhone app! How cool is that?! I have it in the living room right now. I wish there were one I could make mom wear...

I am doing home stuff today - I might actually get through my teeny list. If I do, I might also go into the Smith later today and see if I can get the two wifi extenders up and working. We shall see. I would really rather do nothing Smith-y today if possible. And I think I am going to do laundry tomorrow afternoon. I think we are in dire need.

Maybe the mattress pad I bought for mom will have to go. Shame because she asked for a foam mattress for so long. It has made the bed really high and mom seems to be scared of it. I will talk it over with Jennie when she comes in today. (I forgot...)

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