Monday, February 9, 2015

My mom and her trees

My mom has been focussing on a couple of trees that she can see from her bedroom. For the past few years she has worried about them - the one in the back that it is coming to get her and that it may fall and crush the house. The other is also coming to get her - but she likes that one for some reason. Turns out that "they" put a curb in the way so that the second tree couldn't get to her. Today she asked me to take a picture of it because she felt it was being badly treated - that snowing on it added a level of indignity that the tree just didn't deserve. Okey dokey then.

Mom's tree
Today has been a null day - I have done nulling all day. Well, that isn't strictly true - I did get up and snow blow a good four to six inches of snow out of the driveway. Sadly, my snowblower is in need of minor repairs. I am not sure how to go about that since it is all snowy and I don't want to bring it inside where it will melt all over things. I might put some towels down in the kitchen and see what I can see - the handle that changes the position of the discharge chute doesn't seem to be functioning. And the knobs came off of it. In the snow. But I found them.
Pre blowing

Drive way mostly de-snowed

Post blowing

Then, my next nothing was to make mom lunch and help her with the pills. I am now doing that every day as well. Up until a few days ago, I was pretty confident that mom was doing a good job taking her pills. And she told me that she was a good pill taker. Recently, not so much. It isn't an onerous task - there aren't that many pills. Yet.

I called the doctor's office, after hearing from the aide service that no one was coming to help mom today, to change the doctor's appointment to later in the week - to give the snow a chance to stop and hopefully make it a little easier for me to get mom there. We have a whole list of things to ask him. Won't he be thrilled?!

Then I worked on the puzzle. Too much. You'll see tomorrow - I still think that the border is the wrong way round - nothing clearly links its orientation to the interior of the puzzle. What's up with that? Poop even.
Progress before I started working on it today

I just took a shower. I am just writing this blog. Soon it will be dinner (leftovers) time. Huzzuh! Mom is napping, I am catching up on some work - working on a couple of grants for the Smith - letter writing - blogging - that sort of thing. Yippee! But I didn't do most of the things that I told my family that I would do today - I didn't call and elder lawyers, I didn't collect the tax stuff for my brother - I didn't ask the doctor about mom and nursing homes. Oh, I did look at the paper work and one whole page is devoted to mom's financials. What the heck is that about? I hate the medical care in America is all about the money. Why oh why can't we get our priorities right? Hmm?

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