Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Marathon Day!

It is one of those days were I feel like I have been running all day long. I woke up at 6 to mom once again trying to make a pilgrimage downstairs. Sigh. It took some convincing, but she finally agreed to stay upstairs - where it is ten degrees warmer and where I can keep a better eye on her. I got her a yogurt and started to work. Lots of things to do for the Smith.

I feel like I worked from 6 until 10. Took a short nap and then started working again. Some for mom - I made her lunch and did her pills - which have been added to - a vitamin D tab (thank you Mary) and an iron tablet recommended by the doctor (who said her iron is a little low). Interestingly (well, I think it is interesting) mom seems to be perkier since she started taking the vitamin D. Go figure. I hope the iron does wonders too. That would be niftilicious! Then continued work for the smith from 2 ish until now. Another hour and a half. I probably won't charge the Smith all of that time - maybe 3 hours today so far instead of five and a half. Sigh. I really, really wish I was on salary. I hate having to think about how much time I spend working. Glarp.

Showering was accomplished. Yippee! I hope to change my sheets as well. And I have to go and get some groceries - I have decided on soup and salad for dinner - split pea soup. Mom used to make that soup - so I am hoping that it is a comfort soup of some kind. That would be great. I think I will toss in some sausage bits as well. I found a second blitz hacker (a weird device that chops things up pretty quickly - the poor person's food processor. Ok, I guess a poor person's food processor would just be a knife. This is in between a knife and a cuisinart.

Just a quick post squeezed in on this busy feeling day. Huzzuh!

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