Friday, February 20, 2015

What the Pluck?!

So many problems at the Smith - the lamps I bought for the projector don't seem to be working - that sucks. Then the lights in the cartouches and the sunrises stopped working. And the smallest thing - the monitor for the DVD player seems to have stopped working. And I had my A-Team on duty - so there was no panic which is good. I hope I can get some of this resolved by time for the movie tonight. We have movie, movie and then four hours or more of TV rebroadcasting - all on a weekend - though I do have all day today to resolve the issues. Ha.

Well, they were pretty easily resolved. The lamp I just kept shoving in until it worked. I was tempted to find a rubber mallet but I didn't need to in the end. Yay! I ordered another new bulb just in case. I like to have two on hand whenever possible.

The lights in the cartouches was, luckily, bonehead user error. Yesterday, while setting up the wifi extenders, I unplugged what I thought was the refrigerator. Turns out that the power packs for the lights are plugged into the wall. Who knew? I certainly didn't. Anyway, all plugged in and happy now!

Lastly, the HDMI splitter thing. Not sure what is going on there, but ordered a new one, just in case. And the tech support people got back to me, but I haven't gotten up the energy to get back with them.

Oh, I did actually start the puzzle and the movie. Though for a bit today the camera was not functioning (I apparently don't know how to make it record...).

More Smith problems. The proprietary application that Emerging Pictures makes us use stopped working - we could get sound and image from a dvd and from the laptop. Ok, sound from the laptop, I didn't try image. I will try that tomorrow, when I go in bright and early and see if I can get the whole thing resolved. That would be nifty. I don't want to have to stress too much.

What I really need is a massage and a few good hugs. The former is more likely.

Time to chill.

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