Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sunday Night and Tuesday

I forgot to write about Sunday night. It was our tv night together. Starting with the news. Then 60 minutes. I like 60 minutes generally - though who knows how balanced their reporting actually is. Then we put it on PBS for the rest of the night. Starting with the British Baking show. Sadly, my favorite participant got booted. I saw it coming, though. Next we watched the most recent episode of Season 5 of Downton Abbey. Not too much exciting happened except for the middle sister taking control of her child and moving out. Yay! Poor Edith. Somewhere in there, they showed an ad for Grantchester - which is not a great show - but it is enjoyable. I think the lead looks a little like the guy on The Mentalist. It is at least somewhat entertaining. And that was it. Four hours of TV with mom. I think she slept for 3 of it all together. Sigh.

Great progress on the puzzle today! I finally found a piece that connected to the edge. Woohoo! Sadly, I was vindicated in my thought that I had the whole frame backwards. That was joyous, flipping it around. One of the problems with my rolling up mat is that it isn't slippy slidy - which is probably good in most cases - but is causing me a few problems with sliding big chunks of completed puzzle bits around.

Feeling sleepy today and there is a long row to hoe. First ho to roe is more sno-blow (ing). I don't think we got that much snow since yesterday, but the snowplows have done an excellent job of blocking the end of my driveway again. Joy and rapture.

After that, a whole bunch of Smith work - we have three movies playing 7 times this week and a mail blast that needs to go out today. For the movies I need to a) create movie playlists, b) create spotify playlists, c) make sure the heat is timed to go on and off, and d) make sure the pre-film slideshow is current. The email blast, always a bit of a pain, needs to be mildly creative and a little witty and needs to be out by 4 this afternoon.

Then, of course, there is all the stuff that I am supposed to be doing at home - making calls about mom's future, paperwork, bill paying, napping...oh, wait, I don't know that there will be a lot of napping going on today...

I am mildly irked because the Daily Challenge videos have stopped working - I have tried a couple of browsers to no avail. I am not irked enough about it to do anything. And Allison was getting pretty boring...

Snowblowing accomplished! Now for some Smith work. Ok, my brain is fried. We have a lot of movies coming up in the next couple of weeks. Still grinding away...

Finally! Gosh that is effortful - creating the Mail chimp email mailing. I also built six or so playlists for upcoming films. All I have left to do are the spottily playlists and making sure the heat will be on when it needs to be on for the upcoming events. Yippee!

Puzzle progress has been made - despite all my other stuff today - more will be made tonight, I am sure.

Yay progress
I might have started the puzzle on the wrong side. Who knew that there was a right side and a wrong side? Now I do!

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