Monday, February 16, 2015


My excitement today is heading out into the winter wonderland that is Geneva NY today (I think the high temp is supposed to be 7 degrees Fahrenheit - and we have a decent amount of freshish snow on the ground) to get to the Smith to meet with a woman who is planing on having her wedding ceremony at the Smith. When I agreed to see her, I didn't realize that it was President's day (I think we ought to go back to having individual days off for each president - what would you do on GW Bush's birthday?) and that the Smith would be closed! Well, poo. It will, though, get me out of the house for a little while. I do need to do some grocery shopping. Mom was asking for tater tots all evening. When she was awake.

Mom was up until about 5 pm yesterday and then slept until 11 or 12 at night. Yippee? I watched all of the stuff we usually "watch" together on Sunday night - the baking show where the the 17 year old got tossed, which was a pretty good showing for anyone - top five - then Downton Abbey - where everyone is blithely accepting Edith adopting some random child - and lastly Grantchester which is getting even more melodramatic. I hope the vicar ends up with the German woman - but since it is a drama, I bet they won't end up together. And of course, mom woke up pretty thoroughly right after the shows ended and spent the next half hour complaining that she didn't get to watch them. Which makes me a bad person because she was sleeping during the show. Yippee.

Mom just asked for a backstage tour of "this place" - asking to see where the people were riding the horses...and where all the other people who live here were. (Weird that those two words don't rhyme...)

Ooh, I might be a polymath. I know I am a polyglot. I hate poli-sci. Not sure about polygamy or polyamorousness. And I am not roly-poly. Ok, probably not a polymath, but a polymath aspirant.

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