Saturday, February 21, 2015

Puzzle me this

Got some good puzzle work done. But my eyes were starting to cross.

My hate of windows machines continues. Just saying. The second computer I bought is terrible. It seems really slow and has lots of pop-ups and ads and things. I am trying to disable them all, but it is slow and seems really frustrating to get it to do the simplest of things - like download an app. Sigh.

I was in Wendy's this afternoon to get lunch for me and mom. Yes was playing on the music system. When did Yes become main stream enough to be played in a fast food restaurant?

Went into the Smith this morning, after getting a wake up call from the tech support people who took "I'll call you at 10 am" literally. Ooops. Anyway, I went in and built a little test playlist and lo and behold it played correctly. So I tried the playlist that we had been trying last night and it didn't work. Answer to the question: corrupted playlist. Further answer, Augustus corrupted it. Boo. Anyway, all fixed, all better. Started working on getting the TV looking right again. And it doesn't look nearly correct - so I will work on that tomorrow. We shall see if I can get it decent in an hour or so. Should be able to.

Watched Fury the other night. I liked it a lot. Not quite like Inglorious Basterds. Very interesting, about tanks. I thought Brad Pitt and Shia LeBeouf both did a good job. Glad I got it from Netflix!

I am kicking puzzle butt! I figure another day or two at the most. Then it will be time to look at the video I took to see if it can be made into anything interesting. Well, interesting to anyone other than me. I find everything I produce interesting. Sigh.

Tomorrow is another day. And hopefully the last day of a very long, long, long period of non-stop events at the Smith. Maybe next week I will actually be able to do some laundry. That would be nifty.

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