Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good things about being woken at 4 in the morning

Ok, there really aren't any good things about being woken at 4 in the morning. I would much rather still be sleeping - so I will type a few words and then slip back into sleep.

First, helping mom to feel a little less stressed is a good thing. I got her a yogurt and put more music on. Hopefully that will help her to feel more relaxed. Anything is possible.

Then, as I was starting to go back to sleep, I looked at my phone and somehow that reminded me (oh, right, there was a reminder on the screen) that the recycling needed to go out. Brrr. But I did get another little accumulated recycling out with the regular weekly amount of stuff. Huzzuh!

Off to sleep land, but first check snapchat - I don't get this app yet - out of the people I know on there, only one person consistently posts anything - and she posts two or three times a day. Then a quick look at a few other things - mostly instagram on my phone - then a game or two of Word Jigsaw. Then, oops, opened my computer - looked at Facebook - and found a cool animation that I shared on my timeline.

Woo hoo. What excitement. Now I am going to try to sleep some more before a long work day at The Smith. Zzzzzzzz

Oops, opened my yahoo home page by mistake - now I have a bunch of tabs open to be skimmed. Sigh.

And up again - mom wanted to tell me all about the messes she has been making. Yay. So I gave her some more fruit and some cold water and asked her to tell me more about it later. Hopefully, I can get another hour of sleep. Right. (I didn't)

Watched The Winter Bone last night and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I was going to watch it with mom, but at the last minute decided against it, which I think was a wise choice. I don't think she would have been able to follow it. I also watched a couple more episodes of Agents of SHIELD. Now I am up to the point where I need to watch a Marvel Movie (Thor: The Dark World - which I think I may have seen but can't remember - if I did see it, it didn't make that much of an impression on me, despite having Natalie heartthrob Portman in it) before continuing on with the series. I added it to my Netflix list anyway - maybe this time I will remember it. I wish Netflix kept track for me...

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