Monday, April 16, 2012

Outings with Mom

Yesterday, I didn't get out to the supermarket until later in the day. And by that time, mom was up and dressed, so I encouraged her to come with. I know it is good for her to get out and about. And to do things like going shopping. Still, it is easier and more fun for me when she is not along. Oh well. My whole life can't be fun, can it? I tried to have as much fun as I could, given the circumstances. I did manage to keep mom from filling up the basket with stuff we didn't need, while at the same time giving heed to what she thought we needed. We didn't end up with too much in the way of extraneous crap. Yay! We didn't run into anyone she knew, which was sad.

Most of the day was spent puttering around on my concentration-like game. Flippety is what its working name is. I got scoring working. And I figured out how to get the high score from one place to another. My goal today is to get some persistence working. Saving the game state when someone quits, that sort of thing. I dreamt about it all night, in fact. Erroneously, I am sure. I think, though, after some of the tweaks I have made, I will start with preferences - turning off sound effects and background music. That seems like an easy place to start.

The plan for the day is to do some errands - like laundry. Mom may or may not go after all - it is really up to her. I don't like to force her to do things if I can avoid it. I figure at 81 (almost 82 - her birthday is in May) she can damn well do as she pleases. And if she wants to lie around feeling miserable and sad for herself all day, who am I to gainsay her? I would like to do three things - post office, Friehofer's (for bread stuff) and laundry. Later I do need to get a few more groceries and things. Like tissues. Mom has gone through a lot of boxes of tissues. I hope fewer than before, but it is hard to tell...

Saw a first tulip out and about in the yard. How exciting is that? To think that tulips were once a huge commodity. Weird wacky world on which we whirl...

Pretty Tulip! Only $400!

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