Monday, April 23, 2012

It's Snowing!

How exciting is that! Here it is, April 23, 2012, and we are having snow. And it is sticking - not to the sidewalks or roads, but everywhere else! Yay us! Aren't we the luckiest people ever?!

I need to write things down. I really do. I had a great idea for the central thought for a blog last night, but I didn't write it down. I did write down three ideas I had for my Flippety game, but nothing for the blog. Boo, hiss! I suck! And you all have to just sit there and take it! Hahahahahaha! (That was diabolical laughter btw.) Sometimes the ideas do come back, so maybe this one will.

Have to go out today. :( Mom is out of fiber bars. And we can't have that, can we? I can't think of anything else that we are short of. I will have to look at my shopping list.

Mom and I went through her basket of goodies that came off the shelves next to her bed. I was allowed to actually throw some things away! How radical is that? She was reluctant to part with some medicine that expired in 2009, the lids to two prescription jars that she no longer had, and the instructions for medicine that she no longer takes. Sigh. Sadly, I am similar in my reluctance to let go of things.

Other than that, it was a pretty quiet weekend. And the week doesn't look too crazy busy. We are going to try again to have an adventure on Wednesday despite that inclement, wintery weather that we are facing. Yay! Good thing that climate change isn't real!

I am feeling a little stuck in my game development. And a little overwhelmed. I try not to think of all the work that has to be done to get the game ready for primetime. I try to look at just the little steps that I can take towards that goal. And then I get stymied by one or more of those little steps. Sometimes I sidestep and take a step in a slightly different direction figuring that I will come back to the step that I am skirting. But those are beginning to pile up without apparent resolution. I did ask someone who says they consult what his fees were - $80 for a one time code review - otherwise, $90 an hour. I hope that doesn't include pondering time! Not in the budget just now, in any case. So, I will soldier on. At some point. Meanwhile, in my stymiedness, I think I will make lunch...

Looks nice! (Taken at 6 in the morning...)

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