Thursday, April 26, 2012

An adventure is coming

I can feel it, lurking around here somewhere. The plan had been to go on the adventure on Wednesday night. But on Tuesday, Christie, a bartender at the lovely Beef and Brew, mentioned that she thought Two Goats was closed on Wednesdays. Sure enough, their website confirmed that piece of information. Well, the plan was to go to Wagner's for a beer tasting, then to Two Goats to hang out for a bit before heading to dinner at Stonecat Cafe. Don't want to eat too early. And the plan wouldn't work without the little bit of hangage. Oh, and it also turned out that Stonecat (the cat, I think according to their logo is a cat fish, not a furry pet cat) is open Thursday through Sunday. Glarg. So, again, the date has been shifted. To tomorrow! Everything is open. I just need to call and make a reservation today and we should be good to go. Unless we can't get a reservation, in which case, the plans will be shifted again. That is the one problem with plans - not everybody is interested in doing their part! Fie on them!

So, Tuesday was beer day at the beautiful Beef and Brew. Lorraine told me that she is moving back to Wednesdays. So I am moving beer day back to Wednesday as well. Probably a little earlier in the day as well to take advantage of the longer days we have now. It is light at 7 o'clock again! How cool is that?! Anyway, I had three beers - Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot - a pretty good Barley wine. Normally I don't really love barley wines - too alcoholic tasting. This one was well balanced. And I discovered that Weyerbacher is a company in PA. Who knew? My second beer was Redhook's Long Hammer IPA. I have always had a soft spot for this beer. Lastly, NewCastle. Yay! One of the best of the Main Stream beers. It is a good fall back beer in places where they don't have a great beer selection.

Dinner was shrimp eggrolls, left over rice glop and spinach! Yay!

Don't look now, but I put up another writing blog.

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