Friday, June 21, 2013

More Ramblings

Sleepy. Why am I up so early? Oh, right, to go work at The Smith. First, though, I need to shower and trim my beard - not in that order. I will do those in a few minutes. Or maybe more than a few. Depends on how long this particular blog takes to write.

Ok, all done. With the blog.

Nope, not really. Here comes the boring bits!

I brought the big pile of form feed paper into the living room for mom to see what we were dealing with. She was unimpressed - and mostly uninterested in ripping more paper apart. Maybe she will catch a wind of some number and do some. Or not. Doesn't matter to me either way. She did help out last night by husking six ears of corn. Four of which I think I forgot to refrigerate last night. Another thing I get to do before heading off to The Smith. The list keeps getting longer. Eeek! Mom wants to help with folding laundry. I am reluctant to let her after the incident last time. True, this time she hasn't had any coleslaw...

Jenny came and helped out around the house again yesterday. I think she is growing on mom. I do hope that she sticks around for a while.

Oh, Mr. Handy, me, has another project but hasn't done anything much with it yet. Somehow one of the chairs in the dining room got broken. I am guessing young feet, but I wasn't around when it happened, so don't know for sure. And no one mentioned it to me - just left the broken part of the chair lying around in the dining room. I didn't even know which chair was broken. Anyway, it will take a little bit of work to get it back together again. Nothing too laborious or challenging, but I will have to see if the wood glue is still viable. I can hardly wait! Though I probably will until after I come back from Maine!

Went out with David last night to Red Dove and all was apparently forgiven or forgotten or at least moved past. I didn't pay (David said he owed me for some uncompensated stuff at The Smith) so I don't know how the whole tax thing is working out. Still not sure I want to go back more frequently - but I might - we shall see.

Just hang in there - we might be coming up on some exciting, pithy posts. Or maybe not. Anything is possible...


Sally Wambold said...

I think you were up WAY before I was. You were on my mind, though, because I did more to get your care package together. A normal person would have posted it at least two days ago. I confess that I do not consider myself normal.

I must visit your blog more often. You may consider it ordinary. I classify it as highly interesting.

Augustus said...

Thank you Sally! Don't post it too soon, as we won't get it until July at this point anyway. Visit all you like! I confess that though I call it boring, I am endlessly intrigued by my own thoughts and life! :)