Saturday, June 29, 2013

Don't make plans!

Don't Make Plans! That's what my sister says she is slowly beginning to learn. I don't agree, of course, as people who are long time readers of this blog know - I love to plan. Plans are like, um, plans. Sort of templates of how things could work out in the future. For me, I like to have some sort of plan in place, just to make myself feel more comfortable and to give myself the illusion of control over my life. 'Cause I know that control over the external world is pretty much an illusion. And if they don't come to fruition or need altering or scrapping, at least there is a place from which to start the new plan. Sometimes I plan to not plan. I guess the definition of planning is in the mind of the planner.

For instance, my sister told me that she expected me to take Friday off and that I would be free from mom duty. So I made tentative mental plans to do some stuff, including a visit that Juliet had arranged with a family friend. Then the rains came! Torrential rains that swept Juliet's house out to sea. Juliet, mom and I sailed for day after day, with no one coming to our rescue. We fished from the front porch for food and caught rain in barrels for drinking water...oh, wait, that didn't happen. The rains just made it less than pleasant to head out for a day of driving.

Juliet had been planning to attending her regular women's club get together Friday afternoon. Despite my mental plans, I opted to stay in place, mostly because I needed to catch up on blogging. Which I did. I also, of course, kept an ear and eye on mom. Not an exciting way to spend the day, but much needed rest and recuperation. I think we all recharged a little. At least I did catch up on my blogging - finishing 5 posts all together. Two day recaps and three brewpub blogs. Well, two brewpub posts and one Taproom post.

For food, I made lunch of eggs and a cheese place. For dinner we had a lobster, corn on the cob and salad. Mom had to have help taking her lobster apart - I think she might even have wounded herself a little bit. After she had finished her lobster, she said, in all seriousness, "I didn't get to eat any lobster." And she believed it. We did everything we could to try to convince her that she had in fact eaten a lobster. But she wouldn't believe us. Then, after a long while, she said, "Oh, my hands are sticky from eating lobster." Sigh.

After dinner, it was latish, so we all went about getting ready for sleep. Not being particularly tired, I stayed up latish watching Lockout, starring Guy Pearce. Not a great movie, but fun enough in its way.

Today we are off to visit with elephants! Yippee! Tomorrow (Sunday) mom and I head back to Geneva (I hope the house is still there.). At least that is the plan.

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